Retirement Planning Overview
Retirement is something we all need to plan for. And if we fail to do so, we stand the chance of becoming a statistic, where in South Africa, as little as 5% of the population have sufficient financial means to support themselves after retirement with the same level of living standards as they had before retirement. It is possible to plan for retirement by yourself, but be careful of the mind field of tax issues you will face. The best way is to sit down with a Retirement Planning Specialist, who is trained to analyse all the options, work out the best path forward, and walk that path with you.
There are three areas you may be looking at, so read below and see which of those areas best suits your requirements, then visit the section applicable to you and complete the contact request form in that section. A qualified financial advisor in your area will contact you to assist with your specific financial planning needs. Different advisors work on different remuneration methods, so talk to the advisor on which method is best suited for your financial circumstances.
Planning for retirement
You are young, or perhaps have left it a little late, and now need to start putting away money so that when you come close to retirement age you have made sufficient provision for a solid financial future at same standard of living you had before retirement.
Planning for retirementI am retiring soon
You are coming close to retiring, and need to start planning for that day. Don’t leave it until the last minutes, because sometimes planning three to five years ahead of time can save you hundreds of thousands of rands in taxes when your big day finally arrives.
I am retiring soonBusiness Pension Funds
You are an employer who is looking at putting in place a Retirement Plan for your staff. Only visit this section and complete the contact request form if you are the decision maker, and can negotiate with a qualified financial advisor on the needs and requirements of your business.
Business Pension Funds